Leather armor, reinforced ( Gecko-backed leather armor, reinforced).Leather armor ( Lightweight leather armor, Gecko-backed leather armor, Gladiator armor).Combat armor ( Combat armor, reinforced, Combat armor, reinforced mark 2, US Army combat armor, Van Graff combat armor).T-51b power armor ( Brotherhood T-51b power armor).T-45d power armor ( Brotherhood T-45d power armor, Scorched Sierra power armor).Remnants power armor ( Gannon family Tesla armor).Unlike all other varieties of metal armor, this one is classified as a "medium" armor as opposed to a "heavy" armor.This armor provides the highest DT of all the pre-order bonuses.It can now also be acquired by purchasing the add-on Courier's Stash.

Originally, the only way to acquire this armor was by redeeming the code that came with the pre-order exclusive Mercenary Pack. The only visual differences seem to be the lack of shoulder guards and cables on the sides of the torso. However, like all metal armor, it reduces the wearer's Agility. Its DT is high enough to counter virtually any attack in the early stages of the game and can be repaired with regular metal armor.

Modified for long-range travel, this variant of metal armor provides the same protection as standard metal armor at only 2/3rds the weight (20 lb) and 5 times the item HP.